ThankFULL: Count Your Blessings

We have so much to be thankful for! The old song, "Count Your Blessings" reminds us to list our blessings out "one by one." Why? Well, when we really take note of all our blessings, we are changed. When we see the turning fall leaves as a gift from God, when we appreciate the cool, fresh fall air he has blessed us with, we change. We learn contentment, we develop hearts of gratitude, we become more generous to others. Our culture of consumerism tries to make us focus on what we DON'T have, rather than being grateful for what we DO have. When we are consumed with what we don't have, we are discontented and self-focused. When we focus on all we do have, we are grateful, content, and want to share with people who have less. It also leads us to worship God, the giver of all things good! That is when we learn true peace and joy. It's why Jesus said, "It is better to give than to receive." It all starts with hearts that are grateful.